Episode 6- Basics of arduino_Breadboard (Malayalam)

Welcome to episode 6 of beginner electronics series...

Follow along with this series from the beginning to enjoy the experience in arduino uno r3 and eventually develop a multi purpose robot from scratch...

The given circuit is a theoretical basic circuit of lighting an LED bulb with the help of power source(battery), a resistor and connecting wires.

This is the layout of the same circuit using the Arduino board. Here the Arduino board acts as the power source instead of the battery.  A bread board is also used in this circuit.

Bread board:-  As mentioned in the above video, a bread board is a rectangular board with points to connect which can be connected by jumper wires(mentioned in the video) in patterns as rows and columns. The 2 rows on both ends are interconnected.i.e. connecting in one points results the connection in all the other points of the row. The same is the case of columns in every other rows. 

 By understanding the details of jumper wires and bread boards, one can easily understand the above given circuit. 


Using the arduino board instead of a common circuit has many traits:

  • Alteration in the circuit is very easy.
  • Arduino board can be used as a voltage regulator.
  •  Easiness and possibility in developing highly complicated circuits.
  •  Communication with the circuit is possible with arduino.
  •  Rest of the details will be discussed in the upcoming videos.